Climate change
The battle against climate change demands a united effort, with local communities playing a vital role in addressing global problems. At Precise Health, we recognize that combatting climate change necessitates tapping into citizen and community knowledge as a powerful resource. We have developed innovative digital products that empower citizens and communities as primary stakeholders in this mission. Our approach focuses on advancing local solutions to global problems, harnessing the power of citizen reporters to relay environmental changes and policy issues, and adopting a comprehensive systems approach to integrate various facets of climate change impact. Our digital platforms are catalyzing positive change in the fight against climate change.
Local solutions to global problems
Climate change is a complex global challenge with local repercussions. Precise Health believes that the solution to this global problem lies within the grassroots - with citizens and communities at the forefront. Our digital products are designed to make citizens and communities the primary stakeholders in the battle against climate change. We empower local action and innovation by providing tools and resources that enable decision-makers to address climate change at a localized level. By fostering a sense of ownership and agency, we facilitate the implementation of local solutions that collectively contribute to a global impact.
Citizen reporters
Citizens have a unique and crucial role in addressing climate change. They witness changes to the environment and can identify issues with public policy that affect the climate. With our digital platforms, we empower individuals to become citizen reporters, relaying real-time changes to the environment and issues related to public policy. These reports are mapped in real-time, creating a comprehensive picture of climate-related challenges and opportunities. By amplifying the voices of citizens and making their observations and concerns accessible, we drive advocacy for meaningful change at local and global levels.
Systems approach
Climate change is not just about the environment; it is an intricate web of interconnected systems encompassing health, food, transportation, and more. Taking a holistic systems approach to address climate change, our digital products integrate diverse systems to offer a comprehensive view of climate change impacts and solutions. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these systems, we provide tools and resources that facilitate cross-sector collaboration and holistic problem-solving. This approach ensures that our digital platforms address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change and promote sustainable solutions that transcend traditional boundaries.